Member Showcase: Serge Philippe
The member showcase features ACFO-ACAF members who have shown exceptional dedication to their work, made a difference in their workplace and made a profound impact on the CT Community. You’ll learn about these members’ stories, their contributions and how they’ve made an impact on their community.
Meet Serge
Serge is a veteran of the public service, with nearly 30 years working in finance at the Courts Administration Service. In that time, Serge has stepped up to handle many difficult roles, sometimes several at a time, and is always willing to take on extra work for the good of the team and department.
Known and loved by his colleagues for his dedication, sense of humour, and adorable dog Fisher, Serge has been going above and beyond for many years to make the work environment fun and rewarding. His focus on team cohesion, work-life balance for his employees, and team-building activities have earned him the reputation of an outstanding manager amongst his coworkers.

What’s your name, classification, and department?
My name is Serge Philippe, I’m currently acting FI-4 at the Courts Administration Service. I’m the Director of Accounting Operations, reporting and systems.
In a few sentences, what do you do?
I oversee accounting operations, accounts receivable, external reporting, and I’m also overseeing a financial systems upgrade.
What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?
In my spare time, I like to cook, I like to bake, I like to build things, and I like to maintain my home. I have some very close friends that I hang around with, we get together once a year—we’ve been doing it for 34 years straight. These are all friends from primary school. My friends and family are a priority, so I like to hang out with them.

What’s your favourite part of your job?
My favourite part of the job is the variety. You’ll never have the same day. I compare working in operations to working in an ER: you have to triage issues, different cases come in, you treat the most critical, and you move on. I also love the people that work for me and the people that I work for. It takes a very special type of person to work in accounting, and I appreciate their initiative. It makes my job a lot easier.
What advice would you give to someone new to the CT Community?
For someone new to the CT community, I would say enjoy your time. Your career will go by really quickly, so take the time to develop before moving up throughout your career. There are certain skills, people skills, and management skills that you need to develop overtime. It makes you a better employee, it makes you a better manager, and it helps you overall. If you move up too fast, you don’t develop specific skills to deal with specific situations.
What else would you like to add?
I’d like to thank you, and to thank the people that nominated me for the award. I know who they are, and I appreciate all of them and the work that they do for me.

Nominate a colleague for the ACFO-ACAF Member Showcase today
If you have a colleague whose work ethic and dedication stands out that you’d like to nominate to be featured in the member showcase, you can reach out to Director of Communications and Member Engagement Lauren Doty at