Celebrating quality public services on UN Public Service Day
This Thursday, June 23, marks the annual UN Public Service Day, which “intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector.”
At a time when a new generation of Canadians are entering the work force, it’s vital that the government attracts the best and brightest to support a healthy economy and quality public services. With their commitment to repeal Bill C-4 and the introduction of interim collective bargaining measures, the government has shown positive signs of their dedication to this vision. However, as identified in their Public Service Day statement, many of our Public Service International partners aren’t as fortunate, with increased privatization and public resources becoming endangered.
In spite of these struggles, at the end of the day, the UN Public Service Day is a time to look forward and celebrate the valuable contributions of public servants. I thank you all for your continued dedication to prudent financial management and it’s an honour to represent a community of professionals that always strives for excellence.
Dany Richard, CPA, CMA, MBA
Executive Vice-President