Following Dany Richard’s participation in a press conference with other bargaining agent (BA) representatives opposing the government’s modification to the in-office mandate from a minimum of two days to three days, we want to reassure the CT Community that we at ACFO are working hard in the background to take action against this mandate. Therefore, here is an update on:

  • Some of these activities we have planned;
  • An expectation of what’s to come; and
  • How you can make an impact.

What we’re doing

May 24 virtual town hall

ACFO-ACAF President Dany Richard will be hosting a live virtual town hall on MS Teams for ACFO members on Friday, May 24.

Dany will be joined by members of the ACFO-ACAF Labour Relations team to provide more information on our strategy for tackling the new Directive, what you can expect in the coming weeks, and how you can make your voice heard.

A session in English will take place from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm ET and a session in French will take place from 12:30 – 1:30 pm ET. ACFO-ACAF members who are interested in attending either of these town hall session can reach out to for the links.

The sessions will be recorded and made available to members through the ACFO-ACAF member portal in the days following the event. 

Policy grievance and unfair labour practice complaint filed

Earlier in May, ACFO-ACAF filed a policy grievance related to our Letter of Agreement with the employer negotiated in 2022 and an unfair labour practice (ULP) complaint pursuant to Section 190 of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act. These documents contained multiple allegations, including that the employer failed to bargain in good faith due to:

  • the lack of notification and consultation with ACFO; and
  • intentionally misleading ACFO about the employer’s commitment to consult on remote work.

The complaint and grievance seek several corrective actions, including:

  • A declaration that the employer has breached their obligations;
  • An order that ACFO must be consulted on the implementation of prescribed presence and minimum requirement of three days per week in the workplace;
  • Rescinding the Directive on Prescribed Presence in the Workplace; and
  • Compensation for members for all harm experienced.

You can read the full ULP complaint here and the policy grievance here. The employer has until May 29 to reply to our ULP complaint.

Under construction: #RemoteWorks website

We are preparing a new website at with a rationale for remote work, resources, and help spreading key messaging to the public, including stories from members on how the return to the office has caused significant hardship for them and their families. More to come on this, so stay tuned!

Survey on RTO impacts coming the week of May 27

We are currently developing a survey to get a better understanding of the CT Community’s experience with the return to the office, specifically regarding:

  • Occupational health and safety;
  • Accommodation needs;
  • Commuting; and
  • Work-to-rule activity participation.

We will share this survey with members via email once it is ready to be circulated.

What you can do

While we at ACFO are doing everything we can to fight against this unfounded mandate, it’s imperative that you take action in order to have the most impact possible.

After more than 2,500 CTs sent letters to Anand, Trudeau, and their MPs via our Action Network campaign, it’s clear that you’re ready and willing to take action – so here’s how you can continue that momentum.

Share your stories

If you are willing to share your story on camera, we will have a booth set up at the Spring Tune Up on May 23 for those in attendance to share their stories to potentially be used:

  • As evidence in our reply, mediation, or hearings related to the ULP complaint or policy grievance;
  • Our #RemoteWorks website currently under construction; and/or
  • In social media campaigns or advertisements.

Examples of stories we are looking for are:

  • Members from equity groups (ex. women, racialized groups, people with disabilities or neurodivergent employees) who are suffering hardships due to the return-to-work mandate;
  • Members with duty of care responsibilities (ex. childcare, elder care) whose ability to provide care is affected; or
  • Instances of threats to occupational health and safety experienced during the return to the office.

If you are unable to share your story at the Spring Tune Up, you can also complete our online form with details of your individual case. However, please ensure to contact if you would like assistance.

Finally, you can share your story on social media using the hashtag #RemoteWorks.

#RemoteWorks bumper stickers and signs

We have produced a number of bumper stickers to place on your cars and signs for you to pose with for social media posts and at any future rallies or activities organized with other bargaining agents.

  • NCR members: You can pick some up at our booth at the Spring Tune Up on May 23, or if you can’t attend the Spring Tune Up, you may drop by the ACFO-ACAF office (193 Richmond Road) on Tuesday, May 28, or Thursday, June 6, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
  • Regional members: Should you have a collective of members in your area and can distribute 25 or more signs and/or bumper stickers, please contact to arrange a delivery free of charge.
  • Printable signs: If you’d prefer to print your own signs or stickers, you can find printable templates here.

NPSW activity

ACFO is working with other National Joint Council bargaining agents to plan joint activities in opposition to National Public Service Week (NPSW) taking place from June 9 to 14.

While we cannot disclose our exact plans for this just yet, please stay tuned for more information on this and how you can participate. Dany will also be sharing some preliminary information on these plans during the May 24 town hall, so make sure that you attend the town hall!

Stand strong yet professionally

While we understand the frustration and disappointment many of you may be feeling following the complete lack of respect shown by the employer, we strongly encourage you to comply with the policies currently in place and show up to the office when you are required to do so. Your dedication to your roles as public servants speaks volumes, and maintaining a respectful demeanour both in the workplace and in the public eye reflects well on us as individuals and as a community.

Remember that ACFO-ACAF stands with you, advocating for your rights and interests on your behalf, so let us as your representatives take the role of adversary. Together, we can navigate these changes with integrity and determination.