Tentative agreement reached between NAV Canada and ACFO-ACAF

ACFO-ACAF is pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement for our NAV Canada members that will see a wage increase of 17% over five years:
- February 7, 2024: 4.0% increase
- February 7, 2025: 3.5% increase
- February 7, 2026: 3.5% increase
- February 7, 2027: 3.0% increase
- February 7, 2028: 3.0% increase
ACFO-ACAF will be hosting an information session and ratification vote on Wednesday, November 13, at 12:00 pm at 151 Slater in #HO 242 Echo Training Room #2 (30).
In order to achieve these financial increases, there are several concessions which members should be aware of.
They include:
- Pension Plan changes related the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) changes (“De-linking CPP”) and the removal of the lump sum for new hires.
- If you have any specific questions related to de-linking, please let us know in advance. ACFO-ACAF will have experts prepared to answer questions.
- Changes to the formula for the calculation of the Departure Incentive Program (current members grandparented).
- Changes to the Professional Accounting Designation Recognition Letter of Understanding (current members grandparented).
ACFO-ACAF Labour Relations Advisors and members of the negotiating committee will be present to answer any questions you may have and explain these changes in greater detail.
Lunch will be provided. We encourage all NAV members to attend and ask any questions they may have.
If you have any dietary restrictions or require any further details, feel free to contact Grant Boland at gboland@acfo-acaf.com.
If you are unable to attend the ratification meeting, please contact Grant Boland at gboland@acfo-acaf.com to request a proxy ballot and further instructions. An FI colleague attending the ratification meeting can submit your completed, signed, and sealed proxy ballot on your behalf.