ACFO events now classified as training for FIs without a designation
The Office of the Comptroller General recently issued guidance to departments clarifying that ACFO and FMI events – such as FMI PD Week and ACFO’s Spring Tune Up and Regional Tune Ups – are now officially classified by the OCG as training rather than conferences or events. ACFO and FMI training is available to FIs with and without a CPA designation.
This classification should make it easier for FIs to get approval to attend ACFO and FMI events. While you are still required get management approval, you are no longer required to get conference and event approval as well.
This clarification is especially welcome as we know many FIs are planning to attend FMI PD Week from November 20-24. Representatives from the ACFO Labour Relations and Operations teams, as well as members of the Board of Directors, will also be present throughout FMI PD Week. If you are planning to attend PD Week, please stop by the ACFO booth so we can answer any questions you may have or just say hello.
If you are planning to attend FMI PD Week, we encourage you to also attend ACFO’s Annual General Meeting at the Hilton Lac Leamy on November 23, 2017, at 5:30pm. You can confirm your attendance at the AGM with Nikki Gadoury by e-mail at or by calling toll free at 1-877-728-0695 or local (613) 728-0695. Dinner will be served, so please indicate any dietary restrictions. We hope to see you there.