Announcing: The 2017 State of the FI Community Survey

On September 19, ACFO will be releasing the third annual State of the FI Community Survey. As in years past, the survey will encompass the priorities of the FI Community, including professional development, workplace satisfaction, leave and work–life balance.
The survey takes only ten minutes to complete and the results have proven incredibly beneficial over the past two years. We have used the data gained from the survey in the workplace, in grievances, at the bargaining table, at LMCCs (Labour-Management Consultation Committees) and in talks with CFOs to resolve issues anonymously and at a high level.
With this year’s survey, we will build on the data we have establishing the FI Community as a qualified group deserving of high professional standards. We will also track how departmental rankings have changed over the past three years and any further patterns that have emerged.
As always, we guarantee that your confidentiality and privacy will be protected; only aggregate data large enough to ensure anonymity will be shared. That said, we encourage FIs to provide data such as your department name, designation status and region because it helps deliver tangible figures on the FI Community and on departmental satisfaction, illuminating each department’s major strengths and weaknesses.
The results of this survey will be published in a detailed report that will allow the FI Community to learn which departments provide the most opportunities for success and with the rights you deserve.
We will also share this report with departments to recognize top-performing departments and encourage upward trending and to constructively consult with poor-performing departments to assist them in improving their results.
When you receive the survey by email on September 19, we strongly encourage you to take ten minutes during one of your breaks to complete it.