Closing down the Funding Democracy summit and looking to what comes next

“If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”
With those words, ACFO President Milt Isaacs formally adjourned the Funding Democracy professional development and policy conference in Ottawa last week.
The call to arms from Isaacs served as a poignant reminder that the issues discussed over two days of intense presentations and panel discussions affect all of us and that the FI Community does, indeed, have a role to play in the important policy discussions to come.
“These issues transcend party politics,” said Isaacs after the summit. “All Canadians should be involved in these discussions because, at their core, they are about what kind of society we want and what role public services will play in that society.”
Over the coming weeks and months, the focus will shift to what comes next for the speakers, sponsors and participants of the Funding Democracy summit.
“We asked every speaker to identify one specific action that we can all take and in the coming weeks we’ll be asking the participants the same question,” explained Isaacs. “This will become the foundation of the Ottawa Declaration, a mission statement that will define future actions that we can all be part of.”
Isaacs was quick to thank the members of the FI Community for their ongoing support as ACFO establishes its voice on the global stage.
“Our community needs to know that our opinion is sought out and respected,” said Isaacs. “We may not have the depth of experience of some of our speakers but the collective experience and insight of the FI Community offers a unique perspective – a perspective that we hear time and time again is needed and welcomed.”