The Association of Canadian Financial Officers is pleased to provide its members with the AGM Package which includes all of the pertinent documents for this year’s Annual General Meeting.

Download the entire package here

Members are invited to vote on Resolutions and Bylaws using the online voting system and their PIN.

If you have never received a PIN or if you have lost your PIN, please contact the ACFO Office (local number: 613-728-0695 / Canada-wide number: 877-728-0695).

The Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting will take place:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012, at 6:00 pm
Ottawa Convention Centre, Room 205
55 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa ON  K1N 9J2

If you are planning to attend the AGM, you must confirm your attendance by calling the National Office at (613) 728-0695 or toll free at 1-877-728-0695 or by e-mail at

