As you may know, since 2017, ACFO-ACAF has proudly stood as an affiliate of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) advocating for the rights and welfare of workers across Canada in solidarity with the broader labour movement. After careful consideration and deliberation, ACFO-ACAF has reached the regrettable conclusion to withdraw our affiliation with the CLC effective March 31, 2024.

ACFO-ACAF has always been a non-partisan, issues-based organization in line with the requirements of our members to remain non-partisan in their work as guardians of the public purse. Therefore, our decision to disaffiliate from the CLC was precipitated by their recent use of affiliation funds to support the federal New Democratic Party (NDP) and to engage in communications attacking the Conservative Party of Canada (opens in a new tab), which does not align with ACFO-ACAF’s politically non-partisan stance. While ACFO-ACAF continues to support the fundamental issues and causes championed by the CLC, we believe that our continued affiliation could compromise the integrity of our organization’s commitment to non-partisanship.

This decision was not made lightly and in no way reflects a lack of support for the important work carried out by the CLC. ACFO-ACAF remains steadfast in its dedication to the broader labour movement and will continue to engage with and support the CLC on specific issues whenever possible.

We extend our sincerest gratitude to the CLC for the support received and the relationships built during our affiliation. We hope that our paths may cross again in the future as we collectively work towards our shared goals of advancing the rights and interests of Canadian workers.