What is workforce adjustment (WFA)? Terms to understand 

Workforce adjustment triggers many rights and supports from ACFO under the WFA Directive. Here are just a few important terms to understand: 

Workforce adjustment 

A workforce adjustment occurs when a deputy head decides the services of one or more indeterminate employees are no longer required beyond a specified date. 

Affected status 

If your department anticipates a potential workforce adjustment, you may be notified that you are an “affected employee.” This notice serves as an early indication that changes are being considered in your department and that those changes may impact your position. 

It’s important to note that being classified as “affected” does not mean that your employment will be terminated. Normally, it’s only a fraction of affected employees whose positions are eliminated, and many receive a guarantee of a reasonable job offer (GRJO). 

Guarantee of a reasonable job offer (GRJO) – Surplus employee 

In a situation where your department foresees that your position will be cut but they know or can predict that another position you’re qualified to fill is available, you may receive a guarantee of a reasonable job offer (GRJO). If you find yourself in this situation, as a “surplus employee”, the employer will place you on a priority list where the Public Service Commission will assist you with finding another position in the public service. 

Opting employee 

If you are not provided with a GRJO, you are an “opting employee” and will have three options to choose from. You may find details on the three options in the NJC’s Workforce Adjustment Directive key elements flowchart (Appendix D)

Workforce Adjustment: Virtual town hall – February 6 

On January 20, employees at Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) were informed about the upcoming workforce adjustment (WFA) measures […]

Workforce adjustment: What you need to know 

On November 8, 2024, we notified the CT Community that the employer had unveiled plans to initiate a cost cutting […]

Update: Employer refocusing of government spending 

On November 7, ACFO-ACAF President Rob Hawkins and Director of Labour Relations Scott Chamberlain met with the employer to discuss […]

Alternation Network

The ACFO-ACAF Alternation Network is a list of both non-affected, surplus, and opting employees who are interested in alternating.

It is available exclusively to ACFO-ACAF members on the my.ACFO-ACAF portal homepage. If you don’t have a my.ACFO-ACAF account, learn how to register here.

Please note

  • ACFO-ACAF does not facilitate contact between employees – it is their responsibility to find a suitable alternation match who meets the qualifications of their position
  • Only opting and surplus employees having chosen Option 6.4.1(a) are eligible to alternate with a non-affected employee
  • While management approval isn’t required to add your name to the Alternation Network, their approval is required for alternation

Add your name to the Alternation Network

If you are an opting/surplus employee choosing Option 6.4.1(a) or a non-affected employee interested in alternating, please contact Ben Streatch at bstreatch@acfo-acaf.com to add your name to the Alternation Network along with your:

  • Full Name
  • Work Email Address
  • Department
  • CT Level and Classification
  • Linguistic Profile
  • Security Clearance
  • Work Location
  • Date Available to Alternate

Important Resources

We’re here to help

We completely understand how the uncertainty surrounding this process may cause stress and anxiety in the coming months. You may rest assured that we at ACFO-ACAF will do everything in our power to support the CT Community by keeping you informed about your rights every step of the way, facilitating an alternation network, preparing you for the future, and being here to answer your questions. 

We will have plenty of materials to share in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, you may contact us at the coordinates below. 

Please note that before contacting Labour Relations with general WFA inquiries, we ask that you first consult the materials provided under Additional resources.